Leading Edge Claims Service continuously handles day claims and catastrophe claims for the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) and the Texas FAIR Plan Insurance Association (TFPA) since Hurricane Ike in 2008.
As contracts come up for renewal, TWIA and TFPA undergo a “Request for Qualifications” (RFQ) process. We have been selected through this process every time it has been required. The RFQ for the 2017 contract renewal was released this morning and our response is due by December 1, 2016. A requirement of that response is to provide TWIA with the number of Independent Adjusters (IA) that are certified through the 2021Training.com website. If you are not currently certified or your certification has expired, your name cannot be part of the RFQ process and will not be included in the response. To ensure you are included, please go to http://www.2021training.com/twia/ to complete the “2016 TWIA / TFPA Residential Field Adjuster Certification (3.5 hrs)” course. At the end of the certification, please select Leading Edge Claims Service as your IA Firm. This will be a quick way to get certified and be included on a roster for 2017. FYI…You will have the option to change vendors at any time during the course of the renewed contract. If you want to also be eligible to handle Commercial claims, please take the “2016 TWIA Commercial Field Adjuster Certification (1 hr)” as well. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Leading Edge’s corporate office. Thank you for your commitment to Leading Edge Claims Service and we appreciate your quick response and certification. Remember, you must take this course before December 1, 2016 to be included in the RFQ. Thanks in advance for your participation! |
May 2024
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